Repost: Blaise's Sugar Skulll

I wanted to post something appropriate for this, the last day of June, as several million people are anticipated to be celebrating Pride in Manhattan.

This tattoo was spotted back in 2012, and was done by our "family" artist, Alex McWatt (@alexthreekings) , out of Three Kings Tattoo (@threekingstattoo) in Manhattan.


I met Blaise on a sunny spring day [in 2012] near the corner of 8th Avenue and 33rd Street.

He has a lot of ink, the majority of which was tattooed by Alex McWatt of Three Kings Tattoo in Brooklyn.

Blaise pointed out the sugar skull in the center of his arm:

This is a sugar skull with a twist - note the rainbow spilling forth from the jaw and, in case you can't tell from the photo, that's a shark riding the rainbow wave.

Blaise singled this out because the tattoo was conceived in partnership with his little sister. It refers to a project they had done together.

Thanks to Blaise for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on ralphnolannoble!

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