May the 4th Beer With You (Repost)

The following is a repost from late last summer. IT seems appropriate to re-share today.

Last week, on our way back from Washington, D.C., we pulled into the John Fenwick Service Plaza on the New Jersey Turnpike for a quick bathroom break. As we were leaving the building, my wife Melanie exclaimed, "Bill, did you see that guy's tattoo?" She was referring to a gentleman who had just walked in as we were walking out. "Go," she told me, "you have to talk to him!"

And talk to him I did. His name was Bryan and he was happy to share this pure awesomeness:

As someone with a nod to Pabst Blue Ribbon in my own ink, this mash-up of a PBR can and R2-D2 from Star Wars ranks up there as one of my favorite tattoos. It's just plain fun.

Bryan credited an artist named Bryan Merck (@bmerck_ink) who works out of Evolution Tattoo in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Bryan had previously worked at the now-defunct Deep Six Tattoo in Philadelphia.

Bryan also shared this new tattoo he got over the summer:

For those unfamiliar with National Bohemian, that one-eyed chap is "Natty Boh," who graces labels of the regional mid-Atlantic beer.
Thanks to Bryan for sharing his awesome tattoos with us here on ralphnolannoble!

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